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Displaying items by tag: Cameroon

mercredi, 27 avril 2022 07:42

Cameroun : Journaux parus le 27 avril 2022

Published in Dessins
Tagged under

The Cameroonian music industry has been officially enriched with an almost two-year-old record label, Afrobit Productions, devoted to running and grooming young talents.

The record label officially presented its activities to the press Thursday December 9, 2021 in Yaounde during a press conference that doubled with the release of six albums from young artistes it has been grooming for close to two years.

The artistes include; Martin’s author of the single Once upon a time, Sabrina for Love Agenda, DimY Vibz with Eden and Melancolie, Queen Sparks with I’m a queen, Soliverstone with 15% and Lil Ramses with Feelings. They were all presented to the press same day.

According to the record label’s communication officer, it was created close to two years ago, with the ambition to groom rising stars and give them a space to work and express their talent and raise them up to be musical warriors.

The label aims to position itself among the best recording labels in the country to be an avenue for the many talented unsigned and unnoticed rising stars coming up every day for management and accommodation.

It intends to sign more artistes but wishes to focus for a start on the six talents it currently grooms to serving the Cameroonian public with good music and export the country’s culture at its best.

As immediate project, the record label is preparing a national tour that would give its artistes enough visibility.

As far as achievements are concerned, Afrobit Productions has worked on a good number of singles, including Ca fait mal, A moi, Batimus, Pas la pour jouer, Woman, AND to name but these. It equally boasts of featuring with Koffi Olimide, KO.C, Young Meagan and performances at Black and White, Famous, Katios, plus two live concerts, during one of which renowned urban artiste Stanley Enow was at the presentation.


Artistes Profiles


Of his real names, Tchobé Martin Armand, Martin’s was born on July 14, 1999 in Yaounde. He did his nursery and primary education studies at école publique annexe Essos. He continued at the Government Bilingual High School, Mimboman for college where he obtained his BEPC, Probatoire and Baccalauréat, série D. He is a holder of a Bachelor’s degree obtained at the University of Yaounde I, in Geosciences. Martin’s began singing with the college choir group. The passion for music remained unchanged when he got to the University as he joined the music department.

After winning an epis d’or at the University Festival of Arts and Culture in his music category, he was spotted by Afrobit Productions, his current record label in 2019. He proved he was up to the task with his cover La femme de quelqu’un by renowned French artiste, Singuila, featuring Koffi Olomide, released in 2020. Between talent, maturity and passion, Martin's wants to explore love in all its forms in his songs. His first album is titled “Once upon a time”.



Born Wamba Kuegou Sabrina Ruth is a Yaounde-based young rising Cameroonian singer who hails from the West region of Cameroon. Aged 20, Sabrina currently studies Management and Human Resource at AZIMUT higher Insititute in Yaounde. She blends studies with music to obtain the artistic and professional skills required to succeed in her career. Eposed to the general public following her participation in her record house’ casting with the cover “Poser” by Daniela Ahanda, Sabrina to date boasts of several studio tracks including the hit "A moi". It is worth mentioning that she collaborated with Koffi Olomide and Young Meagan on “Abele” and “Jaloux” respectively. Her very first album goes by name “Love agenda”.




His real names, Fetmoutat Yvan Dimitri is a young artist, songwriter and singer born on October 30, 1997. Enjoying beautiful melodies since childhood, the son of the West region started his musical career at a tender age. He was exposed to the Cameroonian public after his record label noticed him during its casting thanks to his cover “Souffrance d’amour” by Ben Decca. Thereafter, he released his first single titled “A l’amour a la mort”, a story that blends emotions and feelings. DimY Vibz has worked with his label comrades to come up with “Tchombé”, “We can’t breathe” and “ABC”. His first album, “Eden et Mélancolie” released on December 9 has 14 titles available on all legal downloading platforms.



Queen Sparks is one of the six artistes currently groomed by Afrobit Productions. Going by her real names, Mbunji Vanessa Mbandong, the singer was born on December 9, 1996 in Molyko, Buea, South West region of Cameroon. She is a holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Educational Psychology and a minor in English Language. Just like her label companions, Queen Sparks started singer at a very young age. She was member of religious groups including Cadets of Mary and St Thomas Acquinas Choir. Growing up in the musical sphere, she drew inspiration from Beyonce and Bébé Manga. In 2019, she fully engaged with music as a career, working with Buea-based Nelson Music and Carj Records. In 2020, she signed under Afrobit Productions, her current label. She boasts of a featuring with Stanley Enow under the hit “Ghetto”. Her first album, “I’m a queen”, by Afrobit Productions is available on all legal downloading platforms.


     5.      LIL RAMSES

Born Takangt Alexy Ayuketang on January 17, 1998, our fifth artiste is of Nigerian and Cameroonian origins. The father hails from Onitsha, in Anambra State, Nigeria and the mother is from Mamfe, South West region of Cameroon. After successfully going through higher studies, he decided to abandon studies and take his dream career, singer serious. That was in 2018. He signed with Afrobit Productions in 2020 after he returned from Nigeria where he trained his talent as a dancer and rapper. In his write-ups, he blends English language and pidgin. He boasts of two singles, “woman” and “Tok”.



    6.        SOLIVERSTONE

Described as the mystery of Afrobit Productions, Soliverstone, of his real names Mbilong Ntounda Paul Stéphane has always been presented in the form of a cartoon. He was born on August 10, 1995 in the Centre region. He began mingling with the musical world in 2016 thanks to his presence in record houses. He joined the Afrobit Productions train over a year ago. His first album, “15%” dropped out last December 9 is available on all legal downloading platforms.


 Ariane Stevyne Foguem








Published in Musique

The population of Makepe Missoke in Douala V, Littoral region of Cameroon has been assured of the construction of a temporal bridge leading to other neighbourhoods following a protest staged after one of theirs lost his life while trying to cross over the makeshift bridge in heavy floods that hit the economic capital Friday October 22.

Inhabitants of the Makepe Missoke neighbourhood in Douala V are yet to come to terms with the sudden death of one of theirs, following heavy rains that hit that part of the country last Friday.

The victim, an 18-year-old identified as Simplice Achou attempted to cross over a makeshift bridge linking the neighbourhood to other parts of the Municipality when it gave way to the pressure of floods caused by heavy rains.

He fell into the water and died. His lifeless body will be discovered after hours of search. Apart from this human loss, the population have decried enormous material damage after the passage of floods.

When the water level had gone down, they stormed the street and blocked the road leading to the neighbourhood, demanding the construction of a permanent bridge following the destruction of the previous one constructed with makeshift material.

The protest took the Mayor of Douala V to the scene. To calm down tension, the administrator promised a permanent bridge would be constructed as from February 2022. Before then, he reassured the people a temporal bridge would be built to ease movement.

In the meantime, the weather service in Cameroon has predicted more heavy downpours in the Littoral region until Sunday October 31. The population in risky zones has thus been called upon to leave the said areas for safety.

The Littoral region has for a long time now been a victim of floods caused by heavy rains. Construction on lands unsuitable for habitation is one of the reasons advanced by authorities in the region.

As years go by by, many have learnt to live with the risk of flooding while waiting for better financial situations.

Published in Société

More than 185,000 vulnerable persons living in crisis-hit regions in Cameroon will benefit from food and nutrition assistance worth 1.83 million USD (more than one billion FCFA) donated by the Government of Japan through the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

This is thanks to a partnership agreement signed between the World Food Programme and the Government of Japan Monday October 19 in Yaounde.

The USD 1.83 million grant will help the WFP provide food items like rice, yellow split peas and super cereal plus amongst others, to 185,468 vulnerable persons in the Far North, North Adamawa, East, North West and South West regions of Cameroon.

The vulnerable persons, refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and host communities will include children below the age of five, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and people living with HIV.

“WFP is extremely grateful for the continued generosity of the people of Japan. As we move towards rolling out our 5-year strategic plan, partners like the Government of Japan are more than ever needed to ensure adequate provision of lifesaving and life-changing response in Cameroon.” Said Wanja Kaaria, Representative and Country Director of WFP Cameroon who signed the partnership agreement on behalf of the UN agency.

She told the press that from 2012 to date, the Government of Japan has donated about FCFA 8.5 million to help vulnerable populations in Cameroon.

Representing the Government of Japan at the signing ceremony, the Ambassador to Cameroon, H.E OSAWA Tsutomu said the grant is a confirmation of his country’s support to the urgent need of vulnerable persons in Cameroon.

“This contribution reaffirms the support and solidarity of the Japanese people towards the people in need residing in Cameroon, as well as the host communities. Concerned about the situation of the most vulnerable, which is aggravated by COVID-19, we decided to extend our assistance through WFP to address the urgent needs of these people. The peace and stability of Africa is one of the main fields of our cooperation. Japan renews its tireless commitments as it is approaching the eight meeting of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8) which will take place in 2022.” He said.

This donation is timely as 2021 statistics from the Humanitarian Response Plan for Cameroon reveal that 4.4 million people are in need in the country. Some other 2.6 million are reported to be food insecure across 14 Divisions as at March 2021 according to Food Security Analysis.

As per the regions concerned by the grant, the situation on the ground warrants priority attention.

Starvation is predicted in the North West and South West regions plagued by a five-year socio-political crisis by January 2022. It is worth mentioning that the crisis has forced over one million people out of their homes, thereby affecting livelihoods.

In the Far North region, repeated attacks from the Boko Haram Islamic sect and constant flooding have deprived the people of their homes.

As for the North, Adamawa and East regions, kidnappings and the presence of refugees have contributed in reducing what was available for the population in the said regions.  

In addition to these crises, Cameroon like many countries in the world has been grappling with the deadly COVID-19 pandemic which has greatly affected the sources of livelihood for the most vulnerable at the country’s economy, thereby affecting the food security situation of the country.

This is thus another opportunity for the WFP, 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate to pursue its missions of saving lives and restoring the hopes of those in need of food assistance.


 Ariane Foguem

Published in Société

Dr. Mokube Mathias Itoe is the new Country Director of the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals USA Inc, (IICFIP) Cameroon branch.

He was commissioned into his functions Saturday October 16 at IICFIP Cameroon's Annual General Assembly in Yaounde, taking over from his predecessor, Prof Kelly K. Mua.

The finance expert will be assisted in his missions at IICFIP Cameroon top job by Ndangoh Calvin Tah, Chairman; Bushu Emmanuel, Secretary General and Francine Happi Afanji, Treasurer, all installed same Saturday.

As the new IICFIP Cameroon office Head, Dr. Mokube Mathias pledged to "work for an IICFIP Cameroon Country Office that strives to achieve the Institutions missions" that is bringing together forensic investigators and providing forensic investigation skills training to all that are interested in forensic investigation profession.

This he intends to go about by "applying modern forensic science and technology and adopt innovative approaches to forensics in a multitude of fields and disciplines."

He has declared his bureau's special interest in the youth, who are according to him "the future of this country, and a hope of a modern, thriving, developing, corruption-free and prosperous nation."

The new IICFIP Cameroon branch Head also has a lot in store for his staff.


IICFIP Cameroon Country Director, Dr Mokube Mathias Itoe


"As new Country Director, I plan to take necessary measures, to elevate staff morale, make IICFIP more dynamic and further increase the satisfaction of our members with our work and delivery. I strongly believe that this is achievable, by establishing dialogue, building trust, increasing efficiency, and focusing on accountability. My goal is to make this institution’s activities in Cameroon more dynamic, transparent, and inclusive in the coming three years.” Dr. Mokube Mathias said after his installation.

Dr. MOKUBE Mathias Itoe is an Administrative Officer with over fourteen years of working experience in the Cameroon Public service. He is currently a senior official in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute. He formally served in the Ministry of Finance (MINFI) for ten years where he gathered experience in Budgeting, finance management, salaries management, risk management, coordination, fraud and investigation, mail management.

In MINFI, he worked immensely in the computerization of the mails system where he occupied the functions of Head of the Mails and Liaison Service, the focal point for Fraud and investigation in the Minister’s Cabinet, and Bureau Head for Budget in the General Secretariat.

MOKUBE Mathias ITOE is holder of a PhD in Business Administration with concentration in Governance. He is equally holder of two Masters Degrees: Masters in Finance Management and Masters in Accounting, Control and Audit. He has a post Graduate Diploma in Management and Bachelors in Accounting, Control and Audit. He has over seven international certifications: Certified Professional Forensic Accountant, Certified Manager, certified Enterprise Resource Planner, certified archivist, certified Sig Sigma Greenbelt specialist, certified project manager. He has undergone training in close to 10 countries worldwide (China, Germany, Cape Verde, Senegal, Armenia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Kenya, UAE…). He is a visiting lecturer of accounting, control, and audit in some Universities.


 About the International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals USA Inc, (IICFIP)

The International Institute of Certified Forensic Investigation Professionals USA, Inc. (IICFIP) is the professional membership organization that brings together forensic investigators and provides forensic investigation skills training to all that are interested.

IICFIP aims to be the leading forensic investigation accreditation training and standards setting body institute in the World by spreading its wings in all countries and enabling its members automatically bring to their clients global best practices in their performance of forensic investigation practice.

It seeks to promote excellence of forensic investigation skills globally by carrying out accreditation and other training in all countries across the globe evolving standards for forensic investigation processes and creating a process for validating new approaches to forensic investigation. It also aims to create a Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) for forensic investigation processes in forensic investigation profession.

IICFIP delivers the following professional accreditations:

    CFIP – Certified Forensic Investigation Professional

    CACC – Certified Anti-Corruption Consultant

    CMIP – Certified Medical Investigation Professional

    CDFP – Certified Digital Forensic Professional

Some of the disciplines of forensics include Forensic psychology, forensic accounting and audit, questioned documents, trace evidence, controlled substances, biological screening, fire debris/arson analysis, impression evidence, blood pattern analysis, crime scene investigation, medico legal death investigation, digital evidence, background checks and screening.

According to IICFIP African Continental Director, Dr. Linus Enobi, forensic training can provide the 21st century knowledge and analytical skills to personnel and staff that will enable them manage contemporary problems and challenges related to fraud or white-collar crimes, corruption, non-compliance with statutory provisions and ethical irregularities in corporate organizations and public institutions.


Ariane Foguem

Published in Education

Three strategic headers, two from Maxim Choupo-Moting and a third one from Karl Toko Ekambi were enough to seal the fate of winless Mozambique and cement the lions’ hold on the second spot in Group D of the 2022 FIFA World Cup qualifiers.

Cameroon’s indomitable lions Friday October 08 locked horns with their counterparts from Mozambique at the Japoma Stadium in Douala, in a match counting for Day-three of the 2022 Qatar World Cup qualifiers.

The boys of Tony Conceicao were desperate for a victory after their 2-1 defeat to Cote d’Ivoire away last month, meanwhile the Mambas of Mozambique were keen to secure their first win in the group, having lost 1-0 to Malawi away.

The game kicked off on a difficult pace for both teams until Cameroon’s Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting broke the deadlock at the 29th minute with a towering header that left Malawi's keeper startled.

The Bayern Munich striker doubled Cameroon’s tally seven minutes after the restart with another powerful header, bouncing the ball beyond the keeper from a corner.

Ten minutes later, the lions who had visibly gained confidence cemented their lead when Toko Ekambi headed home brilliantly from the edge of the six-yard box from Nicolas Ngamaleu’s delivery from a short corner.

Mozambique, which had to finish the match with ten men following an offense from one player later scored a consolation goal through Geny Catamo, which definitely was not enough to turn the game around.

With this win, Cameroon cemented its hold on second spot, one point behind Cote d’Ivoire leading the Group. Mozambique on the other hand winless till now remains last in the group.

The two sides are set to lock horns again in Morocco on Monday.


Published in Sport

Cameroon’s Prime Minister Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute’s address to the people in Matazem, Santa, gateway into the North West region of the country this Tuesday afternoon was greeted by gunshots allegedly fired by separatist fighters from a distance. He is in the restive Anglophone region on a four-day working visit to evaluate the level of implementation of resolutions of the two-year-old Major National Dialogue convened to seek solutions to the Anglophone crisis.

After the South West region where he was given a hero’s welcome, the Prime Minister Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute is in Bamenda, Chief town of the North West region of Cameroon on a four-day working visit.

During his stay in the region, the Head of Government is expected to hold a series of meetings and consultations with the population and different groups in the region to seek ways for a return to normalcy, as well as evaluate the level of implementation of the Major National Dialogue two years after.

Before he got to Bamenda, PM Dion Ngute made a stopover at Matazem in Santa, gateway into the North West region where hundreds had converged to welcome him, including administrative authorities and students.

Known for his down to earth nature, the Head of Government went to the people and thanked them for the warm welcome. Before he could end up his speech, it was saluted by gunshots fired from a distance by suspected separatist fighters.

PM Dion Ngute was hurriedly led back into his car and the convoy drove out of Santa, en route to Bamenda where the situation was much different. When he got to Up station, Bamenda, the Head of Government was greeted by hundreds singing messages of peace.

This visit is expected to culminate in a recommitment of all to the restoration of peace in the region that has suffered so much losses in the course of the five-year-old Anglophone crisis.       


Ariane Foguem                                                                                                              

Published in Défense
vendredi, 01 octobre 2021 11:55

October 1 in Cameroon’s history

Today October 1, 2021 marks 60 years since former British Southern Cameroons gained independence by voting to re-unify with La Republique du Cameroun. Separatists in the two English-speaking regions of the country consider this day as their ‘Independence Day’ declared by jailed Ambazonia leader, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe in 2017.

Parts of the North West and South West regions of Cameroon often experience clashes between separatists fighting for the ‘independence’ of a State they call Ambazonia and Government forces on this day, October 1 since 2017 when jailed Ambazonia leader, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe declared the independence of the said State.

This independence, they say is in remembrance to the day the former British Southern Cameroons voted overwhelmingly to achieve their independence by joining La Republique du Cameroun, the former French Territory of East Cameroon which had gained its independence in January 1960.

A referendum was held in British-ruled Cameroon over whether to join the newly independent Cameroon or Nigeria. The option of independence was not on the ballot. The territory's northern half opted to join Nigeria, whereas the south chose to merge with Cameroon for a federal status. Since then, Cameroon has been split between a French-speaking eastern and an English-speaking western half.

The federal status was later changed to United Republic of Cameroon in 1972 by late President Amadou Ahidjo and finally to the Republic of Cameroon in 1984 by President Paul Biya.

October 1 according to historians therefore stands as a very important date in the history of Cameroon. Late Barrister Bernard Muna once said that “without the October 1 plebiscite, there would never have been any May 20, without the re-unification on October 1, 1961, East Cameroon would have been stuck with January 1 as its National Day…”

Today, separatists in the two English-speaking regions demand the independence of a State they call Ambazonia over what they termed ‘Anglophone marginalization’. A crisis that began with a protest by lawyers and teachers calling for the English language to be given full recognition in public administration, the judiciary and the education and health care sectors, as guaranteed by the constitution soon escalated and saw the birth of a separatist movement.

Despite efforts by the Government to weaken the separatist groups which reports say benefit from support out of the country, the situation is yet to return to normal in the two English-speaking regions. The United Nations report of April 2021 indicated that attacks between Government and separatist fighters so far displaced more than 700,000 civilians and forced another 63,800 across the border to Nigeria. Added to that, civilians, children, students, soldiers and separatists continue paying with their lives.


The Major National Dialogue

In September 2019, the Head of State, Paul Biya convened the Major National Dialogue during which delegates had to seek solutions to the lasting crisis.

At the 76th United Nations General Assembly, President Paul Biya who was represented by the Minister of External Relations, Lejeune Mbella Mbella said the implementations of the recommendations of the dialogue, including the granting of a special status to the regions and the reconstruction plan have contributed a long way to reduce tension in the troubled regions.

He stated that despite “sporadic acts of banditry still perpetrated by armed gangs”, peace is gradually returning to the regions.

It is worth mentioning that ahead of this October 1, administrative authorities in parts of the North West and South West regions restricted movements and banned undeclared gatherings to frustrate any move by separatists to celebrate their “Independence Day”. 


Ariane Foguem

Published in Défense

There have been 92,303 infections and 1,459 Coronavirus related deaths reported in Cameroon since the deadly pandemic hit the country in March 2020.

Cameroon is gradually moving to 100,000 Coronavirus cases reported in the country since the first case was discovered In March 2020.

As at September 22, the country counted 92,303 infected persons, among whom 1,459 died. The figures were revealed by the Minister of Public Health, Dr Malachie Manaouda Wednesday September 29 while chairing a meeting on the adoption of the 3rd edition of technical guidelines of the integrated disease surveillance and response plan to health emergencies in Yaounde.

The health boss equally revealed that at the continental level, 8,179, 366 infections have so far been recorded, including 207, 170 deaths meanwhile at the global level, 229, 876,241 persons have come in contact with the virus among whom 4,715, 485 died.

He reiterated Government’s stand on the most effective way out of the current health crisis- vaccination and urged those that are still dragging their feet behind to get the vaccine.

A vaccination campaign launched months ago to curb the rapid spread of the virus has encountered many difficulties due to apprehensions on the side effects of the vaccines held by the population.

The virus began spreading in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, before expanding slowly to every corner of the globe. Millions of people around the world have been sickened and millions of others have died as of the latest figures.

The World Health Organization declared the virus a global health emergency and rated COVID-19's global risk of spread and impact as "very high," the most serious designation the organization gives.

Despite information circulating on social media on the side effects of vaccines made available to counter the effects of the pandemic, vaccination according to health professionals remains the surest way out.



Published in Corona Virus

The death has been announced of the Secretary General at the South West Governor’s office, Dr Mohammadou Bachir. He died early this Thursday September 30 at the Douala General hospital after succumbing to ill health.

Death has struck the Administration of the South West region of Cameroon. Its members got up this Thursday morning to the shocking disappearance of the Secretary General to Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai, Dr Mohammadou Bachir.

He is said to have died early today at the Douala General Hospital following a brief illness.

Given the rapid nature of his burial ceremony slated for this same Thursday September 30, it is rumoured who succumbed to the deadly Coronavirus pandemic which continues its world torment.

The Government worker was last seen in public last week, during the Prime Minister’s visit to the South West region to evaluate the implementation of the resolutions of the recommendations of the Major National Dialogue convened to seek solutions to the Anglophone crisis.



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Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:01