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Displaying items by tag: Secretary General SW

The death has been announced of the Secretary General at the South West Governor’s office, Dr Mohammadou Bachir. He died early this Thursday September 30 at the Douala General hospital after succumbing to ill health.

Death has struck the Administration of the South West region of Cameroon. Its members got up this Thursday morning to the shocking disappearance of the Secretary General to Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai, Dr Mohammadou Bachir.

He is said to have died early today at the Douala General Hospital following a brief illness.

Given the rapid nature of his burial ceremony slated for this same Thursday September 30, it is rumoured who succumbed to the deadly Coronavirus pandemic which continues its world torment.

The Government worker was last seen in public last week, during the Prime Minister’s visit to the South West region to evaluate the implementation of the resolutions of the recommendations of the Major National Dialogue convened to seek solutions to the Anglophone crisis.



Published in Institutionnel

Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:01