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Displaying items by tag: Ambazonia fighters

About four days after some 15 soldiers were brutally sent to the land of no return in an attack claimed by two groups of separatist fighters led by dreaded Amba General No Pity in Ndop, Ngoketunjia Division of the restive North West region, no communication has been made by the army spokesperson.

In what has been qualified by observers as a disturbing silence, the Cameroonian army is yet to react to the killing of 15 of its members last Thursday September 16 in an attack described as one of the most gruesome on the army since the crisis went violent.

The soldiers from the Rapid Intervention Battalion were on board two armoured vehicles when they were ambushed by two dreadful groups of Ambazonia fighters – the Jaguars of Bamessing, commanded by General Sagard, and the Marines of Bambalang, led by General No Pity along the Bamessing-Sabga stretch of road in the Ngoketunjia Division, North West region.

After torturing and finally killing those that were still alive, the fighters took videos of their victims naked, soaked in their own blood, some with body parts off and others burning and posted them on social media, shocking the entire nation.

It was a complete outrage on social media with many condemning the barbaric act on soldiers on duty and calling on the Government of Cameroon to respond appropriately to the five-year long crisis that is taking a “bitter twist.”

Surprising enough is the silence of the army since the act was perpetrated. Cameroonians in general and families of the victims in particular are still expecting the army’s spokesperson to give clear details on what happened to the soldiers.

For some time now, Ambazonia fighters have been successfully launching deadly attacks on soldiers. Five days before the Ndop incident, seven soldiers of the same Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR perished after their vehicle exploded upon stepping on an improvised explosive device in Kumbo in the Bui Division, one of the most hard-hit areas by the Anglophone crisis.


Ariane Foguem

Published in Défense

In what has been considered as one of the most gruesome attack by separatist fighters on soldiers lately, about 15 of them are reported  to have lost their lives after they were ambushed Thursday September 16, along the  Bamessing - Sabga road in the North West region of Cameroon.

Barely a week after seven soldiers of the Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR perished after their vehicle exploded upon stepping on an improvised explosive device in Kumbo in the Bui Division, one of the most hard-hit areas by the Anglophone crisis, the military is again mourning.

On Thursday September 16, BIR soldiers who were on board two armoured vehicles fell in another ambush by suspected Ambazonia fighters along the Bamessing-Sabga stretch of road in the Ngoketunjia Division, North West region.

Separatists claimed responsibility for the attack considered as one of the most gruesome on the military since the crisis began. In videos posted on social media that Agence Cameroun Presse cannot independently confirm, the fighters can be seen posing in front of the burnt-out military armoured vehicles, rejoicing over the successful attack, others wearing uniforms and weapons taken from soldiers. In other videos, the bodies of mutilated or burned soldiers are displaced.

“This is the most gruesome attack of the military I’ve seen since this crisis began. God help Bamenda. Things are about to get much worse. Ordinary civilians will suffer most. This is so heart breaking. » An internet user wrote on her Twitter account.

Reports have it that two pro-independence militias groups are behind the attack, the Jaguars of Bamessing, commanded by General Sagard, and the Marines of Bambalang, one of the most dreadful rebel groups in the North West region, led by General No Pity. The latter even appears in photos of the attack, jubilating among his men or posing in front of one of the burning armoured vehicle.

Reacting to the ‘gruesome’ attack Thursday evening, Serge Espoir Matomba, 1st Secretary General of the PURS party on his Facebook page described it as a shameful attack on Cameroon’s democracy.

According to the 2018 unfortunate Presidential candidate, the State has the obligation to henceforth use force to save lives of the population as well as that of soldiers deployed in the restive regions to combat separatists fighters and restore peace.


Ariane Foguem

Published in Défense

About fourteen people including a civilian, soldiers and separatist fighters have reportedly been killed in Cameroon’s restive North West region in less than 24 hours.

The killings occurred Sunday September 12, following the detonation of an improvised explosive device targeting soldiers on the one hand and gun exchanges between soldiers and separatist fighters on the other hand.

The explosive device implanted in Kikaikelahki, a locality in Bui Division detonated when a military armoured vehicle on board seven elements of the Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR stepped on it, killing the seven soldiers on the spot as the armoured vehicle shattered into pieces.

The shattered vehicle reports say was among others in a military convoy returning from Ndu in neighbouring Donga Mantung Division where they had retrieved the corpses of two of their colleagues killed in Chounghe, Mesaje subdivision a day before.

Cameroon News Agency had it that their movements were monitored as they made the first stop at a Total Filling Station in Ndu to repair a deflated tyre. Those that perished were three Sergeants, three master Corporals, and one 2nd Class grade element. Many others were injured, and backup came by air as they were lifted by helicopter.

Later in the day, gun exchanges between soldiers and separatist fighters reportedly led to the death of one civilians.

Early Monday morning, the population in Bamenda woke up to discover four corpses lined up at the Finance Junction. Three other corpses were discovered not far from the Finance Junction. It was alleged that the victims are separatist fighters killed and dumped there by soldiers. The military is yet to react to this information.

Meanwhile this Tuseday September 14, Bamenda city dwellers woke up to disturbing scenes. Reports from the area say coffins and charms have been displaced at major road junctions of Mulang, Rendezvous, Old simplicity Ntarinkon and city chemist.

Ambazonia fighters who suffered heavy human losses over the weekend are believed to have displaced the above-mentioned objects in what has been described as mysticism to revenge the killing of their fellow fighters.


Ariane Foguem

Published in Défense

The Presbyterian Church in Cameroon has condemned in strongest terms the shooting by unidentified armed men at the Ntanfoang church in Bali during Sunday August 22 divine service that claimed the life of one of its Christians and severely injured the pastor on duty.


In a highly awaited reaction, the Synod Committee Executive of the church say it is “deeply embarrassed and troubled at the barbaric torture that God’s children have been subjected to” in the crisis-hit Anglophone regions for the fifth year running.

Recounting what happened, the Committee says the church was duly informed that on Sunday August 22 at the Presbyterian Church Ntafoang in Bali subdivision, seat of the Bali Presbytery, service was interrupted by gunshots. A loud explosion was herd outside close to the church house followed by random gunshots. It further states that bullets were then rained on the church in the course of which, a female Christian identified as Grace Titalabit was killed instantly, meanwhile the Pastor on duty, Rev. Voma Simon Montoh sustained a severe injury on the arm.

In shock, trauma and consternation, the Christians managed to ferry the dead Christian and the Pastor to the hospital. The Pastor received a surgical removal of the bullet and as at now is recovering from the health challenge, the shock and trauma.

The Synod Committee Executive laments that such an atmosphere of insecurity and fear has been reigning in the Anglophone regions for more than four years and appeals of a ceasefire to both the Government of Cameroon and Ambazonia separatist militia who have taken up arms on the people have fallen in deaf ears.

We therefore condemn this unnecessary and unhuman treatment meted on God’s children by those who are supposed to protect them…” Part of the communique reads.

Reminding Government about Article 27 of the 1899 Hague Regulations to which Cameroon is a signatory, which provides that “in sieges and bombardments, all necessary steps should be taken to spare as far as possible edifices devoted to religion, art, science, and charity…” the Synode “calls on both parties to cease fire unconditionally especially on Sundays and that a proper investigation is conducted by the Government and other international bodies for those responsible to be brought to book.”

While praying for the children of God in the North West and South West regions, most hard-hit by the senseless war, the church has extended its heartfelt condolences to the family of its late Christian, Grace Titalabit, and called on Christians to build their hope on God who assures us all of a time of peace as indicated in the book of Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4: “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many people. They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation nor will they train for war anymore.”


Ariane Foguem

Published in Société

Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:01