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Displaying items by tag: Rt Rev Samuel Fonki Forba

Separatist fighters in Bali Nyonga, a locality in the North West region of Cameroon, hard-hit by the Anglophone crisis have placed a ban on the activities of the Presbyterian Church Cameroon (PCC) in that part of the country after accusing the Moderator, the Rt Rev. Samuel Fonki Forba of failing to indict Governmen forces for the deadly attack at the PCC Ntanfuang on August 22 that left Rev. Voma Simon Montoh injured and Grace Titalabit death. They have asked for the Moderator and  pastor Montoh's resignation.

Activities of the PCC Bali have been on a standstill for days following a restriction placed by separatist fighters.

In an audio circulating on social media, a representative of self-styled Ambazonia General Grand Pa said the Rt Rev. and the pastor of PCC Ntanfoang betrayed the mission of the church, that is to uphold the virtues of justice and truth at all times, by refusing to decline the identities of those respeonsible for the attack on the house of God. According to them, just like some Christians indicated, the military is responsible and the Church ought to have pointed that out.

“The PCC Moderator lied that he doesn’t know who killed Ma Grace Numvi. The pastor, Rev. Voma Simon Montoh who was shot in the arm says he too is not in the know as to who shot him and Grace. Christians say, the know those behind the shootings and that, it was the Cameroon military,” the voice said.

“The church is supposed to be the epitome of Justice and Truth but has been proven otherwise by the leaders who have resorted to lies telling. Because of this, we have decided to ban the activities of the Presbyterian Church in Bali until the Moderator and Pastor Numvi Simon resign. Christians can go to other churches, not the PCC.” It added.

Reacting to the ban, the PCC Moderator, Rt Rev. Samuel Fonki Forba said the Church would not report anything contrary until a clear report of an investigation into the attack is made available.

He added that the doors of the Churches in Bali would remain closed and asked PCC Christians to worship in sister churches, to the greatest surprise of some who took to social media to condemn the “coward decision”, quoting bible verses.

“PCC Bali Nyonga shouldn’t be such a weakling, bowing to terrorist threats. Cowards won’t make Heaven – Rev 21: 8” “by succumbing to terrorist threats, the PCC Moderator has denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed” “Jesus said in Matthew 16: 18 that even the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church. Why is the PCC afraid of ambazonia” Frankline Njume, popular Anglophone web influencer posted on Facebook.

Nonetheless, this view is not shared by all as others have indicated that respecting the decision of separatist fighters is much better than having Christians killed in the course of attacks.


 Ariane Foguem

Published in Société

The Presbyterian Church in Cameroon has condemned in strongest terms the shooting by unidentified armed men at the Ntanfoang church in Bali during Sunday August 22 divine service that claimed the life of one of its Christians and severely injured the pastor on duty.


In a highly awaited reaction, the Synod Committee Executive of the church say it is “deeply embarrassed and troubled at the barbaric torture that God’s children have been subjected to” in the crisis-hit Anglophone regions for the fifth year running.

Recounting what happened, the Committee says the church was duly informed that on Sunday August 22 at the Presbyterian Church Ntafoang in Bali subdivision, seat of the Bali Presbytery, service was interrupted by gunshots. A loud explosion was herd outside close to the church house followed by random gunshots. It further states that bullets were then rained on the church in the course of which, a female Christian identified as Grace Titalabit was killed instantly, meanwhile the Pastor on duty, Rev. Voma Simon Montoh sustained a severe injury on the arm.

In shock, trauma and consternation, the Christians managed to ferry the dead Christian and the Pastor to the hospital. The Pastor received a surgical removal of the bullet and as at now is recovering from the health challenge, the shock and trauma.

The Synod Committee Executive laments that such an atmosphere of insecurity and fear has been reigning in the Anglophone regions for more than four years and appeals of a ceasefire to both the Government of Cameroon and Ambazonia separatist militia who have taken up arms on the people have fallen in deaf ears.

We therefore condemn this unnecessary and unhuman treatment meted on God’s children by those who are supposed to protect them…” Part of the communique reads.

Reminding Government about Article 27 of the 1899 Hague Regulations to which Cameroon is a signatory, which provides that “in sieges and bombardments, all necessary steps should be taken to spare as far as possible edifices devoted to religion, art, science, and charity…” the Synode “calls on both parties to cease fire unconditionally especially on Sundays and that a proper investigation is conducted by the Government and other international bodies for those responsible to be brought to book.”

While praying for the children of God in the North West and South West regions, most hard-hit by the senseless war, the church has extended its heartfelt condolences to the family of its late Christian, Grace Titalabit, and called on Christians to build their hope on God who assures us all of a time of peace as indicated in the book of Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4: “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many people. They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation nor will they train for war anymore.”


Ariane Foguem

Published in Société

Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:01