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  • Bloody weekend in troubled NW: At least 14 killed within 24 hours

Bloody weekend in troubled NW: At least 14 killed within 24 hours

mardi, 14 septembre 2021 10:42 Ariane Foguem

About fourteen people including a civilian, soldiers and separatist fighters have reportedly been killed in Cameroon’s restive North West region in less than 24 hours.

The killings occurred Sunday September 12, following the detonation of an improvised explosive device targeting soldiers on the one hand and gun exchanges between soldiers and separatist fighters on the other hand.

The explosive device implanted in Kikaikelahki, a locality in Bui Division detonated when a military armoured vehicle on board seven elements of the Rapid Intervention Battalion, BIR stepped on it, killing the seven soldiers on the spot as the armoured vehicle shattered into pieces.

The shattered vehicle reports say was among others in a military convoy returning from Ndu in neighbouring Donga Mantung Division where they had retrieved the corpses of two of their colleagues killed in Chounghe, Mesaje subdivision a day before.

Cameroon News Agency had it that their movements were monitored as they made the first stop at a Total Filling Station in Ndu to repair a deflated tyre. Those that perished were three Sergeants, three master Corporals, and one 2nd Class grade element. Many others were injured, and backup came by air as they were lifted by helicopter.

Later in the day, gun exchanges between soldiers and separatist fighters reportedly led to the death of one civilians.

Early Monday morning, the population in Bamenda woke up to discover four corpses lined up at the Finance Junction. Three other corpses were discovered not far from the Finance Junction. It was alleged that the victims are separatist fighters killed and dumped there by soldiers. The military is yet to react to this information.

Meanwhile this Tuseday September 14, Bamenda city dwellers woke up to disturbing scenes. Reports from the area say coffins and charms have been displaced at major road junctions of Mulang, Rendezvous, Old simplicity Ntarinkon and city chemist.

Ambazonia fighters who suffered heavy human losses over the weekend are believed to have displaced the above-mentioned objects in what has been described as mysticism to revenge the killing of their fellow fighters.


Ariane Foguem

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