A huge stock of expired drugs, cartons of cigarette from neighbouring Nigeria and contraband non-biodegradable plastic papers worth FCFA 20 million have been seized and destroyed in the West region of Cameroon.
The seizure was made recently by elements of the Customs Brigade in the West region during a control and verification operation in Babadjou, Bamboutos Division and Bandjoun, Koung Khi Division in the West region of Cameroon.
The cigarette that was not stamped was smuggled into Cameroon through Nigeria meanwhile the expired drugs-about six thousand plus one thousand, five hundred bottles of syrup, one hundred and forty ballots of non-biodegradable plastics all worth FCFA 20 million left Yaounde in the Centre region to be marketed in the West.
After verification, it was established that the drugs had expired since 2019. Together with authorities of the region, officials of the Customs Brigade destroyed the stock of goods.
This is just one out of the numerous operations that has led to the seizure of contraband goods in the country, some of which had already expired.
Last April, nearly 766 cartons of fake medicines from neighbouring Nigeria were intercepted and destroyed by Cameroonian customs.
Statistics indicate that each year, the consumption of these drugs costs Cameroon enormously financially and humanely. The country records losses estimated at several billions of FCFA as well as loss of human life due to the consumption of these substances.
According to the Ministry of Health, about 80% of the drugs in circulation in Cameroon are not certified by public health authorities, a situation that constitutes a real threat to public health in the country.
La Cameroon Olympic Team à Tokyo au Japon pourra peut-être rentrer avec une médaille. Un espoir ravivé grâce au repêchage de la 12e et dernière athlète toujours en course, la porte-étendard Joseph Emilienne Tiako Essombe après sa défaite contre la japonaise Mayu Mukaida lors de son premier combat.
Le Cameroun n’a pas encore dit son dernier mot à Tokyo. Grace à la porte-étendard, la lutteuse Joseph Emilienne Tiako Essombe, le pays de Samuel Eto’o espère décrocher une médaille de bronze aux 32e Jeux olympiques de Tokyo au Japon qui s’achèvent dimanche 08 août.
Battue à 3h du matin hier jeudi par la japonaise Mayu Mukaida à l’issue d’un combat des 8e de finale dans la catégorie des 53 kg, la Camerounaise, dernière athlète en lice s’est faite éliminée de la course pour la médaille d’or mais pas de la compétition.
Son sort était entre les mains de sa tombeuse Mayu Makaida qui devrait impérativement se qualifier pour la finale dans leur catégorie pour que la camerounaise puisse espérer un repêchage pour se qualifier pour la finale de bronze.
La chance fut de son côté et grâce à la brillante performance de Mayu Mukaida qui s’est qualifiée pour la finale, Joseph Emilienne revient sur la scène. Après son répechage, la lutteuse camerounaise à remporter cette nuit les demis finals de bronze et s’est qualifiée pour la finale.
La lutteuse vert-rouge-jaune affrontera la Polonaise Roksane Zasina ce vendredi et pourra peut-être sauver son pays pour éviter que le Cameroun ne rentre bredouille de ces jeux comme en 2016 à Rio.
The Minister of Transports, Jean Ernst Massena Ngalle Bibehe has threatened to suspend interurban transport and freight companies that will henceforth be involved in any road accident, without prejudice to a legal action for which he will immediately refer to competent authorities.
The warning comes after 40 persons including children perished in three different accidents that occurred in less than 24 hours respectively in the Departments of Makenene, Awae and Batchenga, all in the centre region of Cameroon between Wednesday to Thursday August 05.
The first accident occurred at about 3pm Wednesday between an inter urban transport bus belonging to the Charter Express agency and a truck belonging to the Synohydro company. Their head-on collision claimed two lives and left 28 injured.
The second accident took place around midnight in Awae, at a place called Mvog Essindi along the Yaounde-Bertoua highway. It involved an inter urban transport bus from Avenir voyages transport agency and heavy duty truck. It left 16 people dead.
The last one, the most fatal occurred early this Thursday morning along the Obala-Batchenga highway in the centre region, between a truck and a bus of the Solidarité voyages transport agency. 22 people lost their lives and many were injured.
According to a communique signed by Minister Jean Ernest Massena Ngalle Bibehe, these accidents that are more and more recurrent amid a special road safety campaign during which it is expected of users to strictly respect highway codes are the results of negligence on the part of interurban transport and freight agencies.
He has thus informed promoters of these agencies that any company that will henceforth be involved in an accident shall be suspended from every transportation activity, plus will have to deal with legal authorities.
Since the beginning of this year, the country has lost close to 200 sons on its highways due to the negligence of interurban transport bus and freight agencies’ drivers and promoters on the one hand and the bad state of the road on the other hand.
40 personnes, y compris des enfants ont perdu la vie dans trois accidents de la route différents, survenus respectivement hier mercredi 04 août aux environs de 15h, durant cette nuit vers minuit et ce jeudi matin.
Le nombre de morts sur les routes au Cameroun vient d’augmenter d’une trentaine. Ceci fait suite à trois accidents mortels différents, survenus entre hier mercredi et ce jeudi matin.
Selon un communiqué du Ministre des Transports, le premier accident a eu lieu aux environs de 15h le mercredi 04 août dans l’arrondissement de Makenene, une commune du Cameroun située dans le département du Mbam-et-Inoubou, région du Centre, sur l'axe routier Yaoundé-Bafoussam.
Un bus de la compagnie de voyage interurbain, Charter Express est entré en collision avec un camion de la société Synohydro au lieu-dit Nyokon I, troncon Makenene-Kolong. Bilan, 02 morts et 28 blessés donc 05 référés à Bangangte.
Aux environs de minuits sur l’axe lourd Yaoundé-Bertoua plus précisément dans l’arrondissement d’Awae, au lieu-dit Mvog Essindi c’est un camion de marque Renault, semi-remorque attelée de la société Sotrac Sarl qui va heurter violer un bus de la compagnie de voyage interurbain Avenir de la Kadey, faisant 16 morts méconnaissables, compte tenu de la violence du choc et de nombreux blessés.
Le troisième accident, le plus mortel est survenu très tôt ce matin sur l’axe Obala-Batchenga, dans la localité dite pont d’Olembe, entre un camion Benne transportant du sable et un bus de la compagnie de voyage interurbain Solidarité voyages. Le choc fut plus violent, provoquant la mort de 22 personnes et plusieurs blessés graves.
Il convient de rappeler que ces accidents qui sont de plus en plus récurrents sur nos routes interviennent à la veille de la rentrée scolaire souvent marquée par un grand mouvement des enfants et parents revenant des vacances.
Some 25 Cameroonians including three unaccompanied minors who left the country clandestinely and were stranded at the Mediterranean route have voluntarily returned back to the country.
This voluntary return last July 29 was made possible thanks to a joint initiative by the European Union and the International Organisation for Migration as announced by the latter which will equally take care of their protection and reintegration into the society.
The migrants arrived at the Yaounde Nsimalen International Airport and were welcomed by Cameroonian authorities and officials from the International Organisation for Migration who came to counsel them on how to easily be reintegrated in to the society.
This came after videos of a Cameroonian lady identified as Isabelle Merci Pouma who tried to cross over for a better life through the desert died on the way due to ill health and was buried there by those travelling with her went viral on social media.
Isabelle’s journey mates made the video to discourage those who intend to travel out of the country clandestinely.
Isabelle aged 37 and residing in Cameroon’s economic capital Douala where she owned a hair-dressing salon reportedly left the country in mid July according to family sources for greener pastures abroad.
The passed through the Far North to get to Nigeria, then Niger on their way to Tunisia where they were expected to cross over through Italy, a route migrants are accustomed with. Unfortunatedly for the 37-year-old, when they got to the desert, she took ill and her situation worsened.
After four days agonising and slowing the journey, Isabelle reportedly breathed her last. The family has been making moves to get her body back to Cameroon for proper burial.
For several years now, the Cameroonian government has undertaken to fight illegal immigration. In June 2017, the country joined the EU-IOM Trust Fund for the Protection and Reintegration of Migrants.
An initiative of more than 66 billion FCFA that involves 14 African countries aims to support the socio-economic reintegration of returning migrants and raise awareness among potential migrants and their communities about the dangers of irregular migration.
Une collision entre un camion grumier et un bus d’Avenir Voyage sur l’axe Yaoundé-Bertoua aurait ôté la vie à des dizaines de passagers ce jeudi.
Un bus transportant 70 personnes et appartenant à la compagnie Avenir Voyage est entré en collision avec un camion grumier dans la matinée de ce jeudi sur l’axe lourd Yaoundé-Bertoua au niveau d’Awae.
Selon des sources concordantes, cet accident aurait ôté la vie a une dizaine de personnes y compris des enfants et fait plusieurs blessés graves. Les corps seraient non identifiables compte tenu de la violence du choc. Le bilan officiel des autorités compétentes reste attendu.
C’est le deuxième drame routier au Cameroun en l’espace de 24H.
L’aventure olympique est presque à son terme pour la team Cameroun au 32e Jeux olympiques de Tokyo au Japon. La porte-étendard et dernier espoir de médaille, la lutteuse Joseph Emilienne Tiako Essombe vient de perdre son tout premier combat.
Le miracle espéré ne s’est malheureusement pas produit. Le dernier espoir de médaille de la Cameroon Olympic team aux 32e jeux de Tokyo s’est incliné face à son adversaire, la japonaise Mayu Mukaida ce jeudi matin sur le tapis du Makuhari Messe Hall.
Joseph Emilienne Tiako Essombe qui était la dernière carte du Cameroun pour décrocher une médaille a perdu avec zero point contre dix en 2minutes et 28 secondes dans un combat qui devait durer six minutes dans la catégorie des 53kg.
La lutteuse camerounaise va devoir attendre les autres résultats et espérer que Mayu Mukaida se qualifie pour la finale dans cette catégorie afin de pouvoir se battre à nouveau pour pouvoir obtenir une médaille de bronze grâce au système de repêchage.
Pour le moment, le Cameroun reste sans médaille et risque rentrer bredouille comme en 2016 à Rio au Brésil. Le pays a pourtant envoyé 12 athlètes qualifiés dans sept disciplines à ces jeux parmi lesquels la quadruple championne d’Afrique, la judokate Hortence Vanessa Mballa Atangana, le boxeur Dieudonné Wilfried Seyi Ntsengue qui a remporté la médaille d'or des -75 kg aux Jeux africains de 2015 mais qui sont tous sortis au premier tour.
Visiblement, ce n’était pas la bonne pour rectifier le tir de 2016. Et si Tokyo n’a pas marché, Paris 2024 pourra peut-être être la bonne, a conditions que les athlètes bénéficient d’une bonne préparation nécessaire pour être à la hauteur de cette compétition continentale.
The death has been announced of veteran Cameroonian singer, Nkotti Francois at the age of 70.
The talented and prolific artiste who celebrated his 50th music anniversary last March passed on to glory this Wednesday August 4 at the Douala General Hospital following a brief illness.
Nkotti Francois was a versatile man. He was the co-founder of celebrated group les Black Style with Toto Guillaume, one of the greatest makossa group in the country and initiator of the music festival dubbed Fomaric with which he collaborated years after.
The man considered as one of the founding fathers of makossa in Cameroon released more than ten albums with about 150 songs including ‘Langwa’ and ‘Ye te mba’ largely appreciated.
He was Godfather to artistes like late Hoigen Ekwalla, famous Belka Tobis, Benji Mateke, Longue Longue, Claudia Dikosso to name but these ones.
The son of the Moungo Division in the Littoral region of Cameroon aside his music inclined activities was a politician. As an active member of the Cameroon People Democratic Movement, CPDM, he served as Mayor of the Bonalea Council in the Littoral region and failed to win a seat in the last parliamentary election in the country.
While celebrating his 50 years anniversary in music, Nkotti Francois published his autobiography, a 290-page book.
Fire has destroyed goods worth millions of FCFA at the Hotspot restaurant situated at the Limbe Botanic Garden in the South West region of Cameron and owned by the Ministry of Environment and the Protection of Nature.
According to eye witness account, the fire started very early Monday August 2 and is believed to have emanated from the main kitchen of the restaurant, speed up by the explosion of one of the cooking gas bottles.
Due to the nature of the doors, the fire is said to have spread easily to other parts of the restaurants, razing goods worth millions of FCFA.
The intervention of the population was not timely enough to safeguard items from the kitchen. Almost all of them burnt down.
Though locals talk of explosion of one of the cooking gas bottles, the real cause of the fire is still to be determine.
It is worth mentioning that the restaurant is owned by the Ministry of Environment and the Protection of Nature though managed by a private individual.
This recent incident brings to six the number of fire outbreaks reported in the city of Limbe in less than three months. The last one involved a big wooden structure hosting among others internally displaced people from the Anglophone crisis.
Huge stocks of marijuana have been seized from a cannabis business workshop which doubled as home to the suspected dealer and the latter arrested in Cameroon’s economic capital, Douala.
Elements of the 15th Police District in Douala IV have dismantled a cannabis business workshop in the Bonandale Bonaberi neighbourhood.
The team led by Commissioner Edward Etougue Etuge stormed the residence of a suspected dealer Tuesday August 3 following reports from inhabitants and seized a huge stock of drugs in his home that equally served as his business premises for the drugs.
The suspect identified as Sikati Fonkam has refuted all the accusations as he was taken for questioning in the course of investigations that are already underway.
Still in the same neighbourhood, elements of the National Gendarmerie have laid hands on a gang of individuals specialized in theft, assault and burglary as the population decries a rise in insecurity in the area.
The gang was napped during a security mission following a series of complains by locals. “We were called upon by the population who complained about assaults of different sorts at night. After tracing a stolen phone, we got to one of the gang members who helped us in tracking the rest…” The police Commissioner in charge of the case told the press.
The rest of the gOOd was apprehended alongside items including cutlasses, two rifles, a good number of television sets and mobile phones, bottles of wine and whisky and equipment used to facilitate break-into homes.
Some of the bandits were recognised by their victims, plus some of their belongings amongst the items seized. According to the police Commissioner, any item belonging to an identified owner will be given back to him/her
As for the gang members, they portrayed an apologetic nature during their presentation to the public and the press, asking for forgiveness to the inhabitants.
They are preparing to face the law for their crimes.