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Cameroon: Cannabis distribution network dismantled in Douala

mercredi, 04 août 2021 12:32 Jonathan

Huge stocks of marijuana have been seized from a cannabis business workshop which doubled as home to the suspected dealer and the latter arrested in Cameroon’s economic capital, Douala.

Elements of the 15th Police District in Douala IV have dismantled a cannabis business workshop in the Bonandale Bonaberi neighbourhood.

The team led by Commissioner Edward Etougue Etuge stormed the residence of a suspected dealer Tuesday August 3 following reports from inhabitants and seized a huge stock of drugs in his home that equally served as his business premises for the drugs.

The suspect identified as Sikati Fonkam has refuted all the accusations as he was taken for questioning in the course of investigations that are already underway.

Still in the same neighbourhood, elements of the National Gendarmerie have laid hands on a gang of individuals specialized in theft, assault and burglary as the population decries a rise in insecurity in the area.

The gang was napped during a security mission following a series of complains by locals. “We were called upon by the population who complained about assaults of different sorts at night. After tracing a stolen phone, we got to one of the gang members who helped us in tracking the rest…” The police Commissioner in charge of the case told the press.

The rest of the gOOd was apprehended alongside items including cutlasses, two rifles, a good number of television sets and mobile phones, bottles of wine and whisky and equipment used to facilitate break-into homes.

Some of the bandits were recognised by their victims, plus some of their belongings amongst the items seized. According to the police Commissioner, any item belonging to an identified owner will be given back to him/her

As for the gang members, they portrayed an apologetic nature during their presentation to the public and the press, asking for forgiveness to the inhabitants.

They are preparing to face the law for their crimes.


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