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West region: Huge stock of expired drugs, cigarette seized, destroyed

vendredi, 06 août 2021 11:36 Jonathan

A huge stock of expired drugs, cartons of cigarette from neighbouring Nigeria and contraband non-biodegradable plastic papers worth FCFA 20 million have been seized and destroyed in the West region of Cameroon.

The seizure was made recently by elements of the Customs Brigade in the West region during a control and verification operation in Babadjou, Bamboutos Division and Bandjoun, Koung Khi Division in the West region of Cameroon.

The cigarette that was not stamped was smuggled into Cameroon through Nigeria meanwhile the expired drugs-about six thousand plus one thousand, five hundred bottles of syrup, one hundred and forty ballots of non-biodegradable plastics all worth FCFA 20 million left Yaounde in the Centre region to be marketed in the West.

After verification, it was established that the drugs had expired since 2019. Together with authorities of the region, officials of the Customs Brigade destroyed the stock of goods.

This is just one out of the numerous operations that has led to the seizure of contraband goods in the country, some of which had already expired.

Last April, nearly 766 cartons of fake medicines from neighbouring Nigeria were intercepted and destroyed by Cameroonian customs.

Statistics indicate that each year, the consumption of these drugs costs Cameroon enormously financially and humanely. The country records losses estimated at several billions of FCFA as well as loss of human life due to the consumption of these substances.

According to the Ministry of Health, about 80% of the drugs in circulation in Cameroon are not certified by public health authorities, a situation that constitutes a real threat to public health in the country.


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