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  • Cameroon: Goods worth FCFA millions destroyed as fire razes Hotspot restaurant in Limbe

Cameroon: Goods worth FCFA millions destroyed as fire razes Hotspot restaurant in Limbe

mercredi, 04 août 2021 13:30 Jonathan

Fire has destroyed goods worth millions of FCFA at the Hotspot restaurant situated at the Limbe Botanic Garden in the South West region of Cameron and owned by the Ministry of Environment and the Protection of Nature.

According to eye witness account, the fire started very early Monday August 2 and is believed to have emanated from the main kitchen of the restaurant, speed up by the explosion of one of the cooking gas bottles.

Due to the nature of the doors, the fire is said to have spread easily to other parts of the restaurants, razing goods worth millions of FCFA.

The intervention of the population was not timely enough to safeguard items from the kitchen. Almost all of them burnt down.

Though locals talk of explosion of one of the cooking gas bottles, the real cause of the fire is still to be determine.

It is worth mentioning that the restaurant is owned by the Ministry of Environment and the Protection of Nature though managed by a private individual.

This recent incident brings to six the number of fire outbreaks reported in the city of Limbe in less than three months. The last one involved a big wooden structure hosting among others internally displaced people from the Anglophone crisis.


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