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  • Amobé Mévégué’s mortal remains back home for burial

Amobé Mévégué’s mortal remains back home for burial

mercredi, 22 septembre 2021 14:37 Ariane Foguem

The mortal remains of renowned Cameroonian journalist and producer,Amobé Mévégué who died on September 8, 2021 in Paris-France is in Cameroon ahead of burial slated for this weekend.

The remains of the journalist were flown back to Cameroon through the Yaounde Nsimalen International Airport early this Wednesday September 22 and deposited at the mortuary of the Yaounde General Hospital.

From there, they will be removed and taken to his native Nkolbogo I village in the Centre region.

The founder of UBIZNEWS TV who contributed to the success of several African artists will be paid homage on Thursday September 23 at the Yaounde Sports complex.

Amobé Mévégué breathed his last on September 8 in France at the age of 53, reportedly succumbing to the deadly Coronavirus pandemic that has taken other big names like him.

He had a full career in journalism. Since 2010, he was host on France 24 with the culture programme « A l’Affiche! ». Before then, Amobé Mévégué who also worked as a music reporter was the voice of Plein Sud on RFI from 1995 to 2010.

He aequally worked with TV5Monde, MCM Africa, France Ô and Ubiznewstv-OM5, the Pan-African channel he founded. Over the years, Mévégué interviewed some of the most talented stars on the international scene.

News of his death sent shockwave across the African continent and even beyond as many took to social media to pour out tributes.

He left the world of the living shortly after returning from a trip to Cameroon to bury his late mother.

Continue to rest in peace, Amobé!


 Ariane Foguem

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