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Three Cameroonians nabbed after stealing FCFA 15M from Gabonese boss

vendredi, 30 juillet 2021 09:30 Jonathan

The Judicial Police in Gabon has laid hands on three Cameroonians who broke into the house of their Gabonese boss in the Sotega neighbourhood last month in his absence and made away with FCFA 15 million.

Three Cameroonians living in Gabon are currently meditating on their faith after they were arrested for breaking into their boss’ house in his absence, ransacking the house and making away with FCFA 15,800,000.

The three suspects Agence Cameroun Presse got the names as Aboubakar, Saidou and Toto two of whom worked as drivers of the man according to Gabonese-based website, Gabonactu.com broke into his house located in the Sotega neighbourhood a month ago after planning it well ahead.

Aboubakar, said to be the brain behind the operation told elements of the Gabonese Judicial Police that one of his brothers (to say Cameroonian) had an idea that he shared with him. “He told me we could go and take something from him, share among ourselves and start afresh. I told my other brother who still worked in the house to ease things for us…” Aboubakar told the Gabonese police.

The three men thus agreed on the day to commit their misdeed. “We got to the house all dressed in blue, we rang and the house help opened. After presentations, we tied her up then ransacked the house…” The second suspect told the police.

At the end of the fruitful search, they varnished with the sum of FCFA 15,800,000. Curious enough is the uneven distribution. According to the burglars, Aboubakar pocketed almost all the money, that is FCFA 12,400,000, Saidou the driver took 3,000,000 and the last one Toto, was cheated on what the burglary had yielded and given just 400,000.

They were all arrested following investigations launched by the Gabonese Judicial Police recently and will appear before the State Prosecutor in Gabon this Friday July 30.



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