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  • Bacc 2021 results: Restive South West region tops classification chart with 83.73%

Bacc 2021 results: Restive South West region tops classification chart with 83.73%

vendredi, 30 juillet 2021 16:50 Jonathan

The restive South West region of Cameroon has come first on the classification table of percentages recorded by all ten regions of the country in this year’s Baccalaureat General Examination amid acts of violence and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Though writing in a double context marked by the deadly COVID-19 pandemic and the close to five years long socio-political crisis rocking the two English-speaking regions of Cameroon, one of these regions, the South West topped the classification chart with 83.73%.

This classification follows the publication of results by the Office du Baccalaureat some two days ago. According to these results, the national success rate stands at 52.72%, a decrease as compared to last years’ that stood at 57.14%.

The registration rate increased with 104 692 candidates as compared to 90 759 last year, making an additional 13 933 candidates who sat for the exam this year.

After the South West region comes the North West, equally hard hit by the Anglophone crisis and the COVID-10 pandemic just like any other region in Cameroon.

The third region is the Littoral with 58%, followed by the Adamawa with 51, 41%. Some regions like the West witnessed a drop in position. It passed from the third position in 2020 to the sixth this year with a success rate of 50,67%.


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