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  • Anglophone crisis: Fear grips population over alleged news of military departure from Nkambe

Anglophone crisis: Fear grips population over alleged news of military departure from Nkambe

mercredi, 15 septembre 2021 13:26 Ariane Foguem

The population of Mayo Binka in Nkambe, Donga-Mantung Division, one of the most hard-hit areas by the Anglophone crisis in the troubled North West region of Cameroon have been challenged to resist the fear brought about by news of soldiers leaving the area amid separatist excesses.

In a video that has gone viral, a local authority is spotted begging the population, (some of whom are children in uniforms who were probably removed from classes by their parents) to stay strong, believe that together they shall overcome and return to their normal activities in pidgin English.

“Population, we represent our own security. Those in the bushes are our children, our brothers. We cannot accept that they come and destroy our village. We will stand strong and protect our children, let them go back to school. This situation should not instil fear and panic in you…”

“Whether the military is there or not, we will not allow our village for terrorists to come and destroy it. We will stand firm. Before the military came, we stood strong…”

“I therefore call on the population to be calm, school children to go back to their various classes and continue their lessons. Parents who went and removed their kids from school should go back with them.”

After alleged news of soldiers leaving Nkambe in the Donga-Mantung, one of the Divisions in the North West region that has recorded several cases of separatists and military attacks, the panic-stricken Mayo Binka population rushed to schools that have been the target of Ambazonia fighters lately to remove their children.

Others are reported to have packed their things to leave the village and move over to neighbouring villages, which according to them would be more secured compared to Binka.


Ariane Foguem

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