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2021 Volleyball AFCON: Paul Biya congratulates lionesses on historic win

mardi, 21 septembre 2021 09:16 Ariane Foguem

The President of the Republic and wife Chantal Biya have congratulated Cameroon’s volleyball lionesses for successfully defending their third consecutive title at the just-ended 2021 Africa Women’s Volleyball Championship in Kigali, Rwanda.

In a letter addressed to Christelle Nana, Captain of the female volleyball squad, President Paul Biya says he and the wife were elated to hear about the team’s brilliant victory at the final of this year’s volleyball championship.

My wife and I were informed about your brilliant performance during the final of the Africa Women’s Volleyball Championship that just ended in Kigali. Your talent, commitment and team spirit took you for the third consecutive time at the firmament of Africa. Your performance is exceptional and historic on the African continent…” Part of the letter reads.

He adds that some players including Captain Christelle Nana and player Leticia Moma particularly distinguished themselves during the competition and all went home with titles.

“Cameroonian athletes and the nation as a whole is proud of you. My wife and I extend to you and your technical staff our sincere congratulations and encouragement for the coming competitions.” He concludes.

The girls of Coach Jean Rene Akono defeated their old-age rival Kenya three sets to one to lift the trophy for the third consecutive time Sunday September 19 at the Kigali Arena in Rwanda. They thus made history for themselves, becoming the first African nation to hold the title three times in a row in the history of volleyball on the continent.


Ariane Foguem

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