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  • West region: Bikes banned from circulating in Penka-Michel from 10pm to 5am

West region: Bikes banned from circulating in Penka-Michel from 10pm to 5am

jeudi, 19 août 2021 14:20 Ariane Foguem

The Senior Divisional Officer for Menoua in the West region of Cameroon has prohibited the circulation of moto bikes in the Penka-Michel sub-division from 10pm to 5am.

The ban is contained in a prefectural order signed last August 10 by Mboke Godlive Ntua, Senior Divisional Officer for the Menoua Division, West region of Cameroon.

According to this order, the ban is to preserve the security of persons and their goods in the Penka-Michel sub-division. Mboke Godlive Ntua is clear on the fact that anybody who shall violate his order will face the law.

The Divisional Officer of Penka-Michel, the Brigade Commander, The Chief of the police post, and the Divisional Delegate of Transports in the Menoua have been charged to make sure the ban is respected.

According to reports, this ban by the Menoua SDO follows a series of deadly attacks perpetrated by suspected separatist fighters from neighbouring North West region in some localities of the West region.

It is a common phenomenon in Cameroon for Senior Divisional Officers to ban the circulation of bikes in their area of command. The phenomenon is even more common with administrators in the restive North West and South West regions of Cameroon where Government forces are battling with separatist fighters to restore the integrity of the regions. The latter are said to use bikes as their main mode of transportation in the course of their attacks, most of which are always deadly.


Ariane Foguem

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