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  • Adamawa: Four including three-year-old perish in road accident

Adamawa: Four including three-year-old perish in road accident

jeudi, 29 juillet 2021 10:31 Jonathan

Four persons including a three-year-old child and an 18-year-old student have been confirmed dead and dozens of others injured in a road accident which occurred at the La Falaise de Mbe in the Adamawa region of Cameroon.

Blood has once again spilled on the road in Cameroon. Four people amongst them a three-year-old child saw life stripped out of them in an accident at the la falaise cliff near Ngaoundere in the Adamawa region.

The unfortunate accident involved a 70 seater inter-urban transport bus belonging to the Danay Express Travel Agency with about 60 passengers at the time of the accident occurred earlier Wednesday July 28.

The bus left the town of Ngaoundere en route to Maroua in the neighbouring Far North region when the unfortunate incident occurred at la falaise de Mbe.

The driver, reported to be on top speed drove off the high way and crashed on a tree. Four persons including a three-year-old child, an 18-year-old student and two elderly persons of ages 55 and 70 died on the spot.

30 other passengers sustained injuries, severe ones for some and are currently receiving treatment at the Ngaoundere Regional Hospital.

The scene of this accident, la falaise de Mbe reminds us of a similar cliff in Dschang, a town in the West region of Cameroon where many people lost their lives since the beginning of this year due to either reckless driving or poor state of the buses.


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