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“I’m ashamed of the attitude of some Cameroonians” - Rebecca Enonchong

samedi, 14 août 2021 10:28 S.K.

Released after spending three nights in detention at the Douala Gendarmerie Legion, one of Africa’s most renowned tech entrepreneur, Rebecca Enonchong vowed to continue the struggle.

After spending three nights in detention over accusations of “contempt of court” in a case opposing her to her brother, Rebecca Enonchong’s lawyers finally secured a release for her Friday August 13 and all charges against her were dropped.

Speaking to journalists after her release, the tech guru said nothing has changed in her desire to advocate for a better Cameroon and that her fight is just beginning. “My struggle is just beginning, if anybody thinks that this is the end, this is just the beginning…” She said

When asked if she felt ashamed of her country for detaining her “arbitrarily” for three days, the tech entrepreneur said no matter what happens Cameroon remains her native country but expressed concerns over the attitudes of some Cameroonians.

"I will never be ashamed of Cameroon, I am ashamed of the attitude of some Cameroonians who take decisions that will affect and bring shame on Cameroon"

The arrest of the Chief Executive Officer of AppsTech Tuesday August 10 triggered widespread condemnations and an online campaign with the hashtag Free Rebecca went viral.

According to renowned human rights barrister Alice Nkom who was among those defending Rebecca Enonchong, the latter’s release is a triumph of the power of Law over the law of force.

“Becky Enonchong is free! We celebrate the victory of the power of law over the law of force, achieved thanks to the massive mobilization of women and men who have decided to defend themselves against arbitrariness by all means and united in the universality of our common humanity.” She wrote on her Twitter page.

Same feeling for fire band, Edith Kah Walla who was on fore fronts in the case, giving updates minutes by minutes as it unfolded. She nonetheless hinted that there are many Rebecca Enonchong in detention who can’t afford the name and mobilization the tech guru got and that they will spare no effort to support this other category.

“We are very relieved [...] But we are also angry to have had three days during which Cameroonians around the world were mobilized simply because there was an abuse of power. Rebecca Enonchong is a name, someone very well known. But there are tens of thousands of Cameroonians in this situation who do not benefit from the same fame but suffer the same injustices. So we are determined to continue fighting for them.”



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