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  • Cameroon: Paul Biya spotted wearing facemask amid circulation of Delta variant

Cameroon: Paul Biya spotted wearing facemask amid circulation of Delta variant

mardi, 17 août 2021 09:28 Stevyne K.

The President of the Republic of Cameroon, Paul Biya has been spotted wearing a facemask in one of the rarest occasions since the country was hit by the deadly COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 amid the circulation of the fearful Delta variant.

President Paul Biya was seen wearing a facemask as he alighted from the plane Monday August 16 at the Yaounde Nsimalen International Airport, returning from his “brief stay” abroad with First Lady Chantal Biya.

The mask issue has been on lips of Cameroonians since then. It was one of the very few times the first Cameroonian was seen putting on the basic anti-COVID-19 protection gadget in public.

Many have described it as a way of preaching by example as the country is about to witness a third wave of the Coronavirus pandemic which is expected to be more deadly, especially with the presence of the Delta variant already circulating in the country’s two biggest cities, Yaounde and Douala.

In most of the audiences the Head of State has granted since the country was hit by the pandemic, only his guests were seen putting on a facemask. This situation had always set tongues wagging with many questioning themselves as to why the Head of State who is vulnerable to the pandemic due to his age and supposed to preach by example is always without a facemask.


Stevyne K.

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