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  • Outrage after live rape simulation on Ivory Coast NCI TV

Outrage after live rape simulation on Ivory Coast NCI TV

mercredi, 01 septembre 2021 12:21 Ariane Foguem

There have been widespread condemnation after a demo on rape was broadcast live on Ivory Coast’s NCI TV during a talk show hosted by renowned Cameroonian presenter Yves de Mbella. The latter who has been suspended and dragged to court has apologized for shocking viewers while ‘trying to raise awareness’ on the social ill.

Terribly disgusted!”, “Shocked!”, “Outraged!”, “Appalled!”, “Upset!” “Unacceptable!” These are some of the expressions that have been used by social media users in Ivory Coast and across West and Central Africa while reacting to a live talk show in which a male guest, introduced as a former rapist was asked to demonstrate how he assaulted his victims. The ex-rapist used a plastic mannequin for better demonstration.

The programme, « La télé d’ici vacances » hosted by renowned presenter Yves de Mbella and broadcast at prime time Monday August 30 on the private “Nouvelle Chaine Ivorienne” (NCI) channel, caused outrage on social media that ended up with a petition signed by over 30,000 people, demanding that the presenter and co-hosts be punished.

If the fact that Yves de Mbella hosted a rapist live on air and asked him to demonstrate how he rapes shocked many, asking his guest if his victims used to get orgasms got many more upset. “…Est ce que parmi tes victimes il y’a des victimes qui ont jouit et pris du plaisir quand tu faisais l’amour en les violant ? » That was his question and the ‘ex-rapist’ replied: « Beaucoup, la majorité!” As he further demonstrated the rape process, Yves de Mbella laughed and the crowd applauded, another shocking episode of the talk show.

After the rape demo, the ex-rapist was asked to give advice to women to avoid being raped, given that the programme intended to raise awareness on the societal ill. Unfortunately, Yves de Mbella and his co-hosts have been accused of handling “a sensitive issue like rape with so much lightness”.

Following the massive outcry, Ivory Coast’s independent communications council announced the suspension of the presenter, saying in a statement that the segment used obscene language, condoned rape and attacked the dignity of women.

Strongly criticized on social media for “committing an unforgivable fault”, Yves de Mbella apologized. “I’m sincerely sorry to have shocked everyone while trying to raise awareness,” Yves wrote on Facebook. “I made an error…I’m also sorry for everything that was said or done during that sequence of the programme yesterday that hurt,…I beg for forgiveness from all victims of rape.” He added.

The television channel, NCI equally apologized for airing such content and cancelled the final episode of the show which had been scheduled for Friday.

Latest news on the rape simulation issue indicate Yves de Mbella has been dragged to court. According to Afrikmag.com, the presenter appeared before the State prosecutor this morning. He and the ex-rapist risk a jail sentence.


Ariane Foguem

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