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Illegal trade: Police intercepts 350 liters of illicit fuel en route to Bafoussam

lundi, 02 août 2021 11:46 Jonathan

Security elements have laid hands on a tank containing 350 liters of suspected illicit fuel en route to Bamougoum in the West region of Cameroon.

The tank transported by a truck was halted by security elements with the collaboration of officials from the National Brigade for the Control of Petroleum Products on its way to Bamougoum, a locality in the Mifi Division, West region.

According to a member of the National Brigade for the Control of Petroleum Products, they were alerted by a network of credible informants after which they informed security elements.

They monitored the road and as expected, a truck carrying a big container en route to the West region passed by and was halted. Reports say the truck owner who was aboard the engine was not in possession of his car document.

Questioned, the driver said he got the fuel from Douala in the Littoral region and was simply driving to Bamougoum where it was expected for sale.

The 350 liters of fuel of doubtful quality has been taken to the Cameroon Petroleum Depot where its quality will be checked.

This is not the first operation security elements around the country to crackdown on the importation and distribution of illicit fuel in the country. There have been reported cases of arrested individuals and thousands of liters of fuel around the North West, South West, Centre and West regions especially.


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