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  • Heavy flood splits Nigeria/Cameroon border road

Heavy flood splits Nigeria/Cameroon border road

lundi, 23 août 2021 15:16 Ariane Foguem

Several bridges on the 40-kilometre international road, which spans from Jabbi-Lamba to Belel in Adamawa state in neighbouring Nigeria and lie within the Maiha Local Government Area, LGA, an area which shares an international boundary line with the Republic of Cameroon have been destroyed.

The bridges gave way to floods last Sunday night resulting from repeated downpours in the area thereby halting cross border businesses and travels.

The affected roads are the one from Jabbi-Lamba to Belel and the one linking Nguli to Belel, -a town in Nigeria located near the border with Cameroon, both spanning a number of LGAs in northern Adamawa, while the destroyed bridges lie within the Maiha Local Government Area, an area which shares an international boundary line between Nigeria and the Republic of Cameroon.

Adamu Abubakar, a resident in one of the affected areas told saharareporters.com that business activities along the international route have been grounded. "As a result of the collapse of the bridges, business and economic activities have completely come to a halt between Nigeria and Cameroon." Saharareporters.com indicated in a report.

According to another Nigerian website, the Daily Post, Konkol, Belel, Sarau A, Sarau B. and Tambajam which happens to be the affected communities in Nigeria have been completely cut off from the rest of the world.

Speaking on a radio programme, the Chief of Staff of the Maiha LGA, Adamu Abubakar, said in the affected places, being agrarian communities, many farmers are severely affected by the collapse of the two roads as they will find it difficult to transport their farm produce to the markets.

He has appealed to the Governor of the state involved to intervene by pressing buttons to get the attention of the Federal Government over the international highways, which, according to him, had been left in bad condition over many decades.


Ariane Foguem

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