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  • Anglophone crisis: Kidnapped Mamfe Catholic priest released

Anglophone crisis: Kidnapped Mamfe Catholic priest released

mercredi, 01 septembre 2021 08:16 Ariane Foguem

The Vicar General of the Diocese of Mamfe in Manyu Division, South West region of Cameroon, Rev. Fr Julius Agbortoko Agbor has been set free. He was released late Tuesday August 31 without the payment of the FCFA 20 million ransom demanded by his abductors.

The Chancellor of the Mamfe Diocese, Fr Sebastine Sinju, who earlier announced the kidnap of Vicar General, Rev. Fr Julius Agbortoko Agbor has announced he has been released.

In a release issued Tuesday August 31, 2021, the Chancellor says the Vicar General of the Mamfe Diocese was released without the payment of the FCFA 20 million ransom that had earlier been demanded by his kidnappers, allegedly separatist fighters.

“We thank God for his release, we thank all those who joined us to pray for his unconditional release and for us in these turbulent days. We thank all our priests, the faithful and Father’s biological family for their firm faith in God. We appreciate the assistance of everyone who showed concern…” The release partly reads.

Rev. Fr Julius Agbortoko was released after three days in captivity. He was taken away Sunday August 29 by gunmen who identified themselves as separatist fighters at the Bishop’s compound while on a pastoral visitation to Kokobuma, a locality in the Meme Division, South West region and the inauguration of the Presbytery of the parish.

The target of the said gunmen was the Bishop Emeritus Lysinge, but upon seeing a much stronger and younger prelate, they decided to take him away instead of the ‘frail’ Bishop.

After news of his abduction went round, voices raised up to ask for his unconditional release and a halt on attacks on the church and God’s men, with many including Hon. Cabral Libii describing the order of things in the English-speaking regions as more of criminality than fighting for the independence of Anglophones.


Ariane Foguem

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