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Cameroon: Tenor spends first night at New Bell prison

samedi, 31 juillet 2021 09:57 Jonathan

Cameroonian artiste Tenor has been transferred to the Douala New-Bell prison where he has spent his first night following the accident he had on July 15 in Douala that led to the death of a 22-year-old girl identified as Erika Mouliom aboard the vehicle he was driving.

According to unconfirmed reports, Tenor will be serving a six month renewable provisional detention for involuntary manslaughter in connection with the accident last July 15 at the Feu rouge Bessengue neighbourhood in Douala.

Few days ago, Douala-based television channel, Equinoxe television reported that the family of the girl had deposited a complaint against the artiste who was just recovering from severe injuries he sustained during the said accident.

They say he is responsible for their daughter’s brutal exit from this world. Unconfirmed reports have it that on that faithful July 15, Tenor was driving back from a party in an intoxicated state.

When he got to Feu Rouge Bessengue, he missed his track and hit an electric pole, after which the car rolled before catching fire.

In the course of this, Erika Mouliom was projected from the back seat where she was through the front screen, on to the road where she hit her head violently and died on the spot.

The family had later on stormed the Douala Laquintinie Hospital where her corpse had been deposited to demand for explanations.

The same day, the father who was in Douala took his daughter’s corpse to their native Bamoun that same day. Talking to journalists, Georges Mouliom said Tenor would pay the dowry of his late daughter.


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