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  • Cameroon: Kumba school massacre perpetrators sentenced to death by firing squad

Cameroon: Kumba school massacre perpetrators sentenced to death by firing squad

mercredi, 08 septembre 2021 12:13 Ariane Foguem

Four persons found guilty of indiscriminately shooting and killing seven pupils at the Mother Francisca International Bilingual Academy, Fiango neighbourhood in Kumba, Meme Division of the restive South West region of Cameroon last October 2020 have been sentenced to death by shooting.

The verdict was passed by the Buea Military Tribunal where the accused were standing trial for charges of acts of terrorism, hostility against the father land, Secession, Insurrection, murder and illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions Tuesday September 7.

“The judge remains the umpire of his judgment if he was convinced with the evidence provided to him on the charges for which they were prosecuted. The Judge has as guide, the law and his conscience,” prominent Human right Barrister Richard Tamfu was quoted by Mimi Mefo Info on the case.

“Law is hard but that is the Law. The only remedy available as a Lawyer is to appeal the decision of the judgment,” he reportedly added.

The four condemned were found guilty of invading the Mother Francisca International Bilingual Academy in the Fiango neighbourhood in Kumba, Meme Division of the South West region on October 2020 on motorcycles with machetes and guns, opened fire indiscriminately, killing seven young souls and injuring some thirteen others as the latter tried to escape by jumping through windows.

News of the shooting sent shock waves across the country and even abroad as many took to the social media to express extreme discontent and outrage. The attack was condemned by United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres and UNICEF Executive Director, Henrietta Fore. Matthias Z. Naab, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Cameroon, stated that he was "shocked and outraged by the killing of innocent school children which were attending school to get an education".

Until date, separatists and the military have been throwing blames at each other. According to one of the survivors, there had been twelve attackers, most of whom were dressed in military or police uniforms.

Few days after the shooting, security forces said they had identified and killed the separatist commander who was responsible for the massacre, a man known as "Wonke". A month later, a suspected gunman known as "Commander Zabra" was arrested by the police.

Afterward, nothing filtered on the arrest of the rest of the suspected perpetrators of the massacre. Their death by shooting sentence is a true reflection of the word of God in Matthew 26: 53 which says that : “All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”

According to Mimi Mefo Info, they have up to ten days to appeal the sentence.


Ariane Foguem

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