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  • Tokyo 2020 Olympics: Four times Africa champion, Hortence Mballa Atangana crashes out

Tokyo 2020 Olympics: Four times Africa champion, Hortence Mballa Atangana crashes out

vendredi, 30 juillet 2021 14:23 Jonathan

Cameroon’s chances to back home a medal at the ongoing Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan are becoming very slim as four times Africa Judoka, Hortence Mballa Atanga bows to Turkish counterparts and quits competition.

 Team Cameroon at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games has seen her chances to win a medal at this global jamboree reduce drastically following the elimination of Judoka Hortence Mballa Atangana, one of the biggest and last medal hopefuls this Friday July 30.

 She was humbled by her Turkish counterpart Sayid Kayra during the first round of the women’s Judoka 78 kilograms range sending her out of the competition.

 Not only does her exit reduces Cameroon’s chances of getting a medal but it equally crumbles any hope of getting the medal in the Judoka discipline given that she was the last athlete in her discipline still competing. Her colleague, Sophina Arrey Ayuk crashed out Thursday July 29.

 That notwithstanding, the two athletes in the swimming discipline have put a smile on the faces of the team and the country in general after they both won their opening 50 metres free style series at the game this Friday July 30.

 They nevertheless failed to be among the top 16 retained for the semis in their category. The two plus Mballa Atangana brings the number of Cameroonians to have dropped out of the competition to eight, meaning just four are left among them flag bearer Emilienne Tiako Essomba in weight lifting.


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