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Five young siblings perish in apartment fire in USA

lundi, 23 août 2021 16:27 Ariane Foguem

Five children between the ages of two and nine died in a fire at their home in East St. Louis, in the United States of America. Their mother had left briefly to pick up her boyfriend from work and returned to find the fire. They were laid to rest over the weekend.


Sabrina Dunigan is yet to come to terms with the early and tragic passing on to glory of her five kids. Last August 6, Loy-el Dunigan, aged 2, Jabari Johnson aged 4, Neveah and Heaven “Veah” Dunigan, twins aged 8 and 9-year-old Deontae Davis perished in a fire outbreak at their apartment in East St. Louis, USA.

Previous reports had it that the children were alone in the apartment in the 500 block of 29th Street at the time of the fire. Sabrina had left briefly to pick up her boyfriend from work. After investigations, it was established that they were in with their grandparents who jumped from the apartment’s second floor following the fire outbreak.

The mother who arrived the house after running her errand reported the fire while entering the building in an attempt to rescue the children. All efforts to safe them were futile as two died inside the apartment, two in an ambulance and one on the way to the hospital. The recued last three succumbed to smoke inhalation.

The fire started in the living room area, but the real cause is yet to be determined. The Illinois State Fire Marshal is investigating. It took about 30 or 35 minutes for firefighters to extinguish the fire. None of the other tenants were at home at the time of the fire.

The family had moved into the apartment after being burned out of their previous home earlier this year.

The five children were laid to rest Saturday August 21 at the Sunset Gardens of Memory Cemetery in Millstadt.

Deontae, the eldest will be remembered as being protective of his sisters. He wanted to be a policeman when he grew up. Neveah loved butterflies and nature. Heaven enjoyed playing dress up. Jabari loved all kinds of food and food shows and Loy-el had a smile that could light up a room.


Ariane Foguem

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