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Displaying items by tag: police officer

Gunmen are reported to have stripped life off a Sub Inspector of Police when the latter tried to stop them from robbing a shop owner at Way out Nkwen Park in the Bamenda III sub-division of the North West region of Cameroon Thursday August 09.

For attempting to prevent gunmen from robbing a provision store in Nkwen, a police officer paid the ultimate sacrifice last night. The victim Agence Cameroun Presse got the name as Garba was passing by dressed in civilian attire when he noticed an uncommon scene.

Armed men were pointing a gun at a storekeeper, ordering the latter to empty his coffers into a bag. Without thinking twice, the physically built Garba (as his picture implies) went closer to the scene and grabbed one of the robbers.

Unfortunately, for him, another robber who had taken cover not far from the store took him unaware with several gunshots from behind, leaving Garba dead on the spot.

The shots created panic in the Nkwen market area leavingas many ran for their dear lives. Some others returned to the market later on only to find out what happened.

Ever since the Anglophone crisis went violent, lootings have been very common in some villages in the two affected regions. In the course of this, shop owners are either wounded or killed for those who attempt to resist.


Ariane Foguem

Published in Faits divers

Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:01