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Displaying items by tag: hanging

The body of a 12-year-old girl was found hanging from a tree under mysterious circumstances in the premises of the St Theresa of the Child Jesus Cathedral in Garoua, North region of Cameroon Friday August 27.

Shock and consternation has gripped the family members and acquaintances of a teenager identified as Jessica whose body was discovered hanging on a tree in the courtyard of a cathedral in Garoua.

If the discovery has shocked more than one, the fact that the house of God is involved in it has left many speechless. The little girl’s lifeless body was discovered around 2pm Friday August 27 by security guards at the Cathedral.

According to a report aired on Canal 2 International, the girl and the mother used to sell at the market and few hours before the discovery, she and her mother had shared a meal.

The circumstances that led to the sudden and early death of little Jessica is the puzzle security elements will have to solve. After a lab test was conducted on the child’s body, it was established that her neck had been squeezed.

TFY news reported that the teenager was raped and hung on a tree to fake a suicide. At the end of Investigations opened, it will be duly established whether her death was due to suicide or not.


Ariane Foguem

Published in Faits divers

Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:01