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Tenor/Erica Mouliom affair: Father decries daughter’s ’strange death’

mardi, 03 août 2021 12:48 Jonathan

Georges Mouliom, father to 19-year-old Erica Mouliom who died last July 15 in a car accident involving popular musician Tenor has urged all those in charge of the case pending before court to address it as though it were their daughter.

Speaking at his daughter’s burial ceremony over the weekend in the Noun Division, West region of Cameroon where she was interred, Georges Mouliom said the circumstances sorrounding Erica’s tragic departure remain very uncertain.

« How come a person who was declared dead burned be found without scratches? How can an injured person who is described to have been projected from the back seat through the windshield be found without any injuries?" These are the questions Georges Mouliom said shouldn’t remain unanswered.

He called on those in charge of the complaint filed by the family against the artiste for manslaughter to make decisions taking into consideration the fact that it could have been their daughter.

According to the desperate father, his daughter was victim of practices common to University milieu where some lawless people spend their time derailing young girls.

On that faithful July 15, Erica died on the spot after the car Tenor was allegedly driving in a drunken state had a serious accident. The vehicle hit an electric pole, rolled o the road before catching fire.

Erica’s body was transported to the Laquintinie Hospital Mortuary but the father removed it from there that very day and took it to Bamoun where it was discovered that the body suffered no injury despite the serious nature of the accident.

After accusing Tenor of killing the daughter, the family filed a complaint and following his recovery from the accident, Tenor was incarcerated at the Douala New Bell prison over charges of manslaughter.

Reports have it that he will remain there for at least six months renewable as investigations are oncourse.




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