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  • Kribi: Two sisters missing after receiving strange phone call

Kribi: Two sisters missing after receiving strange phone call

mercredi, 28 juillet 2021 16:30 Jonathan

Two sisters aged 22 and 24 have been reported missing in Kribi, Ocean Division of the South region of Cameroon.

According to reports, the  two young ladies identified as Julienne Francine Abounge and Ela Nda left their parent’s home together last Saturday July 24 after receiving a phone call from a certain Gael.

The said caller is reported to have taken the two sisters aboard a vehicle away from their place of residence to an unknown destination.

When the parents noticed their long absence, a search was organised in their neighbourhood after which the family alerted the forces of law and order to signal they had gone missing.

Family sources say they have not been able to come in contact with the girls as their phones have been switched off.

They added that when leaving the house that Saturday, the youngest was putting on a yellow T-shirt and a black pair of trousers, meanwhile the elder sister was dressed in a red T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

When we were putting this script to press Wednesday July 28, nobody knew anything on the whereabouts of the sisters.

Investigations into what might be a possible case of kidnap have been opened by the police to track the caller and release the two sisters.

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