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5000 litres of contraband fuel seized in Douala

mardi, 10 août 2021 14:27 S.K.

An investigation is on course at the Douala Maritime Gendarmerie following the seizure of 5000 litres of contraband fuel in Bwadibo, a locality in the country’s economic capital that was meant for black market.

It was thanks to a tip off that elements of the Douala Maritime Gendarmerie during one of their security checks in Bwadibo coves laid hands on a cargo containing 21 drums, filled with a total of 5000 litres of contraband fuel.

The operation carried out last August 7 was done in collaboration with officials of the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy.

The 5000 litres of fuel have been placed at the disposal of the country’s petroleum depots company, well known in its French abbreviation, SCDP due to its dangerous nature for proceedings to follow.

If it is declared fit for use, it is going to be redistributed across the country and if not, it will destroyed.

The seizure goes in line with actions undertaken by the National Gendarmerie to combat all forms of trafficking nationwide.

For several months now, through special operations aimed at protecting the local economic space, Cameroonian customs seized important volumes of contraband and counterfeit products including fuel in the framework of its operation dubbed Halcomi (Halt illicit trade). 

Despite some of these moves so far made by the Government to fight against the importation and or sale of illicit fuel across the country, the activity seems to be gaining grounds instead.

Customs authorities are promising tough days ahead to those who will continue to ignore the law and involve themselves in such acts at the expense of the country’s national economy.


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