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Brenda Biya unveils businesses in US, Cameroon

samedi, 21 août 2021 11:53 Foguem Ariane

The daughter of the President of the Republic of Cameroon, Paul Biya, Brenda Anastasie Biya has revealed that she owns a hotel in Cameroon, a hair company in the US, an EP release and most recently a skincare line dubbed Bree Cosmetics.

Last Wednesday August 18, Cameroon’s number one daughter, Brenda Biya woke up happy about her successful endeavours in the domain of entrepreneurship and decided to share it with her Instagram community.

With a grateful heart to God Almighty who has made everything possible, Brenda Anastasie Biya unveiled the fruits of her investments. “Blessed enough to have been given many opportunities to be able to call myself a business woman owning a hair company in the US, a hotel in Cameroon, EP release and now a skincare line.” The 23-year-old wrote on her Instagram page.

The desire to share it with people was short live as not long after she had posted the message, the young entrepreneur deleted it. However, it was too late; the message had already been reposted by other pages as it went viral on social media. As usual, positive and negative comments followed with many criticising her for boasting over things she accomplished thanks to her family’s wealth.

Brenda Biya is passionate about social media. Instagram happens to be her favourite. She constantly posts videos and images as well as do lives on issues affecting and surrounding her.

Three days ago, she announced that Bree Cosmetics will be out soon. She equally posted the link to the brand's Instagram page which has as mantra : "A flawless skin is a girl's best friend!"

 Ariane Foguem

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