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Corpse of epileptic young man retrieved from stream in Buea

mercredi, 25 août 2021 18:43 Ariane Foguem

The corpse of a young man alleged to be suffering from epilepsy was retrieved from a stream around the Presbyterian Church Bomaka, a locality in the Boua sub-division, South West region of Cameroon early this Wednesday August 25.

The family of a young man whose corpse was retrieved from a stream in the Bomaka locality in Buea Wednesday August 25 is still in shock following the sudden and tragic death of their child.

According to Cameroon News Agency, the corpse of the victim whose only name Agence Cameroon Presse got as Armstrong was discovered by a young girl who went to the stream for laundry.

The mother of Armstrong disclosed that her boy came to help her at the farm the previous day. After working, they returned to her house in Bomaka in the evening. She is said to have asked him not to visit the stream to bathe as usual because he is an epilepsy patient.

Unfortunately for her, due to tiredness from the farm and cooking, she slept off. Armstrong’s mother added that though she did not hear from him again, she thought he must have returned to his house in Molyko. Only to wake up with the news of his death.

The number of corpses retrieved from rivers, lakes and streams in the country’s big cities have been on the rise in the past months. Most of them are reported to be criminal acts while others are either intentional or accidental.


Ariane Foguem

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