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  • Cameroon/Separatists ban on PCC activities in Bali: Moderator appeals to God’s vengeance

Cameroon/Separatists ban on PCC activities in Bali: Moderator appeals to God’s vengeance

jeudi, 09 septembre 2021 13:09 Ariane Foguem

The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church Cameroon, PCC, the Rt Rev. Samuel Fonki Forba has appealed to God to reward Ambazonia fighters in Bali accordingly to the "disgrace" brought to the Church by banning its activities in that part of the country.

“Enough is enough! We don’t have to pamper anybody at this time” That was the phrase used by the PCC Moderator while concluding his discourse Sunday September 05 in reaction to separatist fighters’ ban on activities of the Church in Bali Nyonga, Mezam Division of the North West region of Cameroon.

The PCC boss who appeared calm at the beginning of his declaration became fast adopted a serious tone while expressing discontentment with the order of things in the Anglophone regions and more precisely the current fate of the PCC in Bali.

“If the Gospel in the land of Bali cannot be preached by the PCC, we can move out of Bali quietly and let the other churches continue to grow the Church of God and to nurture the people of Bali. We should not be discouraged. Christianity has not been wiped out of Bali, just the PC that has been stooped…” Rev. Samuel Fonki Forba told his PC Christians.

If he is okay with moving out of Bali reported to have been the headquarters of the Basel Mission in Cameroon, whose departure led to the birth of the Presbyterian Church Cameroon, the Rt Rev. Samuel Fonki Forba is far from having swallowed the bitter pill of the disgrace brought about by the ban on the Church activities. The man of God has appealed to God to leave room for his wrath to befall the separatists behind the ban.

“The disgrace the Bali boys have brought to this Church; I leave them all to God because vengeance is the Lord’s…” He said with a stern tone and a loud voice that belied his usual caring appearance.

As to what could possibly lead to a way out of the Anglophone crisis that is at the origin of the problem, the Moderator of the PCC has for the umpteenth time appealed for a ceasefire.

“There should be a ceasefire in this country as far as this problem is concerned. The Government of Cameroon thought that in a few days they would crush Anglophone Cameroon and stop the crisis. We are getting to the fifth year. The barrel of a gun will not solve this problem until we sit down as a family and sort out our problem we will not solve this problem…”

The Anglophone crisis, which started as a street protest by teachers’ trade unions and lawyers associations, will enter the fifth year this November. Hostilities between Government forces and separatists have led to thousands of deaths and chased hundreds of thousands away from their comfort zone.


Ariane Foguem

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