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  • Anglophone crisis: Army opens barricaded stretches in restive North West

Anglophone crisis: Army opens barricaded stretches in restive North West

mercredi, 18 août 2021 11:41 Ariane Foguem

During an operation over the weekend, forces of law and order cleared the Bamenda-Bali, Bambui-Fundong and Bamenda-Fundong stretches of road in the restive North West region of Cameroon off barricades mounted by separatist fighters weeks ago.

The stretches of road linking the localities of Bambui and Fundong, Bamenda and Fundong and Bamenda and Bali in the country’s troubled North West region have finally been opened.

According to reports from the region, defence and security forces on August 14 to 15 removed close to 60 vehicles used by suspected separatist fighters to block the said stretches of road, there by rendering life more difficult for the population in the region as they were forced to go on foot for long distances.

Security officials hinted that some of the vehicles used to block the passage belong to inhabitants in the region. “Some of the vehicles have been taken to the Bambui Brigade. Most of them are the property of people living in Bambui…”

Present on the clearing operation site was the Governor of the North West region, Adolphe Lele Lafrique who assured the population of their security and appealed with them to collaborate with defence forces to prevent such disruption of circulation in future.

The stretches were barricaded weeks ago by suspected separatist fighters in response to the prohibition of the circulation of bikes imposed by administrative authorities in the region considering the fact that bikes are the main mode of transportation of separatists in the course of their “attacks”.

This paralysed circulation and consequently the crippling economic activities as well as threatened the health situation of many who were unable to respect their medical appointments.

Apart from that, those who insisted on crossing over had to pay huge charges as transportation fees on bikes.

Though the stretches have been cleared, many still hesitate plying them for fear of being intercepted by separatist fighters. On Bambui-Fundong road for example is according to reports still void of vehicles as at date.


Ariane Foguem

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